Spending Plan

Spending Plan Development

Personalized Spending Plan

A spending plan allows you to relieve stress about how and when you will pay for everyday needs. It also allows you the freedom to spend, without guilt, the money that you set aside for a specific item or occasion. Another word for spending plan is budget. Sometimes people have negative feelings about budgets and think that they are constricting. 

Many people have partial budgets that may cover the significant bills but do not cover all of the living expenses. For a budget to become a spending plan, you must be aware of everything you spend money on. This allows you to account for where your money is going. It also allows you to be in charge of your money, instead of your money being in charge of you! 

Ultimately, that brings freedom and peace to your financial world.

Who Needs a Spending Plan?

Everyone needs a spending plan. It doesn’t matter if you have more money than you know what to do with or if you are wondering how you will pay the next utility bill. It is often not the big items that throw off our budgets but the little ones. Spending $3.00 daily on fast food or coffee can quickly add up to $90.00 per month. Not that fast food or coffee is bad, but if you are wondering why you don’t have enough money to pay your bills or why you are not saving, look at the little things first. You may find that you have more control over your finances than you think.

How Can GAP Financial Services Help?

When you meet with our counselor, she will help you uncover all your hidden expenses. She will help you convert those expenses into a monthly figure. 

Ultimately, she will show you how your money is being spent by category, percentage, and how it compares to a national average. These tools help you decide if you want to make changes that will affect your spending plan.

Our counselor will also work with you to place these figures on a monthly planner so that you will know exactly what you have to do with each paycheck as it comes in. 

Since everyone’s situation is unique, we will customize your spending plan. In addition, we will provide you with tips that will help you stay on track. Remember, a spending plan is exactly that, a plan. A budget is nothing more than a pretty piece of paper unless you make it a part of your daily lifestyle. Our goal is to help you integrate your spending plan into your lifestyle.

Cost and Payment

$45.00 per hour after the initial consultation (billable in ¼ hours)

Most people can complete the entire spending plan for less than $125.00 (including the initial consultation).

We intend to make you self-sufficient and comfortable with your spending plan. Many people have found that continuous follow-up appointments are not necessary. However, we are happy to meet with you by phone or in person until you become comfortable with your spending plan.

We’re here to help! Simply call (920) 897-4130 to discuss your needs.

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